Donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
Thank you for helping us shine the spotlight on local high school musicals!
Over the past two decades, 63,000 high school performers have participated in the exceptional FREDDY© Awards program, creating lifelong friendships and endless memories. These students have gained life and career skills through the exhilarating opportunity to perform on the State Theatre’s magical stage. The FREDDY© program has significantly raised awareness of the importance of the arts in schools and the benefits to the students have been profound. Since the program’s inception in 2003, over $2 million in college scholarships, paid internships, and community awards have been presented to participating students and their schools. Referred to as the ‘Super Bowl of the Performing Arts,’ this experience is truly life-changing for our region’s students.
High schools all over our area are presenting their Spring musicals, and the excitement is building for thousands of students. They know they will soon be part of the 22nd Annual FREDDY© Awards! On May 22, 2025, the State Theatre will recognize and reward excellence in both the performance and production of local high school musicals. This year, 29 high schools are part of the program. We are so proud of these incredible students!
As you can imagine, the cost of producing a program of this magnitude is staggering. The State Theatre is a non-profit organization and does not profit from producing the FREDDY© Awards. We need the support of everyone in our community to make it happen each year. We are asking for your help in bringing this one-of-a-kind program to our community. Your tax-deductible contribution of any size the State Theatre FREDDY© Awards will directly support the initiative and the students it serves. We hope you will enjoy and gain a great satisfaction in knowing that you are helping to sustain this wonderful program that benefits so many students in our region.
YOU can make a meaningful difference with a donation to the FREDDY© program! Thank you for your consideration.